Missed a show? Find them below.

β€œ1000 Waking Horses”

Angela Rose Wilson

Dempsey Family Gallery

Opening Reception: February 14th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Feb 14th-March 8th

These are experimental ink drawings inspired by duality: light and dark, condensed vs. empty space, and mundane vs. extraordinary. There are experiments with hierarchy, sometimes nonlinear time, and unedited mark making. Even paper’s fragility, within this process, suggests an impermanence of moments in time rendering a permanent mark, eventually… impermanent. The images are portraits of family members caught unaware of my gaze, and sometimes, imaginings of the supernatural, other times…nonsense conjured through stream of consciousness. These are personal icons made tangible through drawing, and installed to create a kind of alter piece. For me this is a way of paying tribute, in diaristic way… chronicling the love and wonder present insignicant moments. Formally, I love to make use of both positive and negative space…experimenting with when to use clarity or detail vs. emptiness or obscurity. The medium of ink adds the additional challenge of one opportunity to make a β€œperfect” mark without an ability to erase. For this reason, the process feels β€œlive”…nothing can be edited. The drawings are recordings of (unltered) moments in time.

Angela Rose Wilson

β€œRebecca MacLachlan



Dempsey Family Gallery

Opening Reception: February 14th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Feb 14th-March 8th

Rebecca Jane MacLachlan (b. 1978) is an American artist who received her Bachelor of Fine Art in Printmaking and Drawing from Colorado State University in 2001. From 2001 until 2017, she pursued a career in Administration and Event Planning. 2017 marked the return to Fine Art,  as she pursued her Master of Fine Art in Intaglio Printmaking and Painting from Studio Arts College International in Florence, Italy. After receiving her MFA in 2019, she returned to the Chicagoland area where she currently works and resides practicing in Painting, Drawing and Printmaking.  

Instagram @rwinkler46


β€œPaint is Paint”

Joan Bredendick

Kane County Magazine Gallery

Opening Reception: February 14th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Feb 14th-March 8th

Every line must be beautiful.

I use watercolor paint without preconceptions of what a watercolor should look like. Paint is paint.

My interest in painting with watercolor was inspired by a gifted college professor who encouraged me to pursue my dreams of being an artist. Although a purist himself, he complimented me on my journey of a non-traditional approach to painting with watercolor.

I rely on the transparent nature of watercolor paint using multi-layered glazes to achieve depth of color, often creating texture by incising into the surface of the paper, breaking up the surface with texture to add visual interest. Strong compositional design moves the viewer’s eye through the painting keeping them actively engaged.   

My subject matter includes a variety of animals, such as lambs, cats, and dogs, frequently in combination with the female figure. The figures are exaggerated for expression.

Enjoyment of the possibilities for dynamic, visual movement are created by painting koi fish. I often use a vertical format to enhance a different and satisfying interpretation distinguishing my paintings from other koi theme work.

I consider myself to be a narrative painter. Story and fantasy evolve the themes in my work. Story teaches and binds us together. I love to play with the unexpected element. Look for an excessively long tail, a menacing claw. So often, we assume we know what we are seeing in art… life… but is what we think we are seeing, what is really going on?

I have always been fascinated by cats. Many have walked in and out of my life. The β€œcat” series began as drawings using Prismacolor pencils. Watercolors emerged into paintings with scratched surfaces creating a degree of abstraction in the images. Repetitive, textural design visually unites the background with the cat, but does not obstruct the importance of the cat. My idea is to express the nature of cats going beyond what a cat looks like. You know what I mean if you have ever been owned by a cat!

The drawings are worked with Prisma Colors, Faber Castell and /or Caran D’Ache Luminance colored pencils on Bristol Board acid free paper.

The paintings are done with Winsor Newton or Holbein professional grade, permanent watercolor paint on stretched, acid-free 140 lb. Arches cold press paper.

 All matting materials are archival quality.

December 2024 Members Show

Resident Artists, Clay Lab Subscribers, School of Art Instructors, Artist Collective and Annual Members

Dempsey Family and Kane County Magazine Galleries

Opening Reception: December 13th, 6-9pm
Exhibition Runs: December 13th - January 4th

Chicagoland 4x5 Winners Showcase

2nd floor gallery

Selection of 2023 winners.

Each December the second floor gallery hosts the winners of the Chicagoland 4x5 show. Originally conceptualized in 1999 by Fremd High School in Palatine, participating junior high and high schools challenge their students to create original works in a 4 inch by 5 inch space constraint. The show has grown from 12 participating schools to 40+ and over 1000 original works of art.

Opening Reception: Dec 13th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Dec 13th-Feb 2nd

"As the Dust Settles:  The Prints of Michael Barnes"

by Michael Barnes

Dempsey Family Gallery

"Last Scrap"  Lithograph, 2024.

Opening Reception: Nov 15th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Nov 15th-Dec 7th

The work of Michael Barnes addresses, in part, the destructive nature and absurdities that so readily prevail for humankind as it copes with the perpetual daily routine and environment. Various themes of mortality and the philosophical questions of existence in general thread their way through his series of works.  The images are concerned with environment, politics, social decay leaning towards an inward and isolated path, and cynicism about the historical evolution of so-called civilization and its effects upon the world and its inhabitants. 

See more of his work here.

β€œLiminal Space”

by Carly Palmer

Kane County Magazine Gallery

Opening Reception: Nov 15th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Nov 15th-Dec 7th

β€œLiminal Space” features a collection of hand-cut paper collages, hard-edge geometric paintings. This body of work evocatively explores the notion of liminal space, and the sense of hovering at the threshold. When crossed, her paper collages personify objects to conjure and convey psychological ideas. Through the use of color, composition, and line in her paintings, she reveals the sharp edge of precision, but leaves the not-so-linear nuanced narrative hidden.

Follow Carly on Instagram @artfullycurious, or visit her website www.carlypalmer.com


by Praxis

Dempsey Family Gallery

Opening Reception: Oct 11th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Oct 11th-Nov 2nd

This exhibition presents work from Praxisβ€”a collective of eleven women artists formed in 2019. No singular medium or style defines this group. Their work is represented, in part, through performance, fiber art, mixed media, found (or gifted) objects, natural materials, alternative painting processes, ceramics and collage. While not an exhausted list, this eclectic use of materials offers inquiries into domestic labor, consumption, ritual, our relationship with each other and nature, repair and healing, memory, vulnerability, fragility, and perseverance. The very lack of an easily definable category with which to place their work is also what connects them. Since the 1960s, artists have increasingly opted to work with materials, processes, and content that challenge the traditional distinctions between high and low art. These women belong to a lineage of artists who reject the traditional, formal notions of art which have, historically, shaped the canon. The artists were invited to explore the question β€œWhat informs your work?” In response, each selected an objectβ€”or a curated collection of objectsβ€”and provided a description explaining the significance. These objects range from academic and spiritual texts, artists’ books, photographs and digital stills to an abandoned sock, fossils, beehives, and eggs. Through these diverse items, a web of shared interests emerges, revealing common threads of inquiry. The numerous links between research, artworks, and artists form a tapestry of stories and experiences rather than a singular narrative. A constellation versus a star. 

  • Lois Bielefeld

  • Vanessa Filley

  • Tanya Gill

  • Rita Grendze

  • Tulika Ladsariya

  • Katherine Lampert

Exhibiting Artists

  • Jill Lanza

  • Jennifer Mannebach

  • Yoonshin Park

  • Nirmal Raja

  • Marzena Ziejka

15th Anniversary Show

Dempsey Family and Kane County Magazine Galleries

Opening Reception: Sept 13th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Sept 13th - Oct 5th

We are celebrating our 15th anniversary with an exhibition that celebrates the talents of our members, Resident Artists, School of Art Instructors, Clay Makers, and Artist Collective.

Michael Coakes

β€œCherchez la femme”

Dempsey Family Gallery

Opening Reception: Aug 9th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Aug 9th-Sept 8th

Les Allen

Kane County Magazine Gallery

Opening Reception: Aug 9th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Aug 9th-Sept 8th

Les Allen is a highly accomplished black and white fine art photographer with a deep passion for his craft. He received his BFA in Painting and Drawing as well as his MFA in Photography and Filmmaking from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Les was inspired by a groundbreaking exhibition of 20th-century photography at the Art Institute of Chicago, which ignited his love for the medium. Through self-teaching and attending various workshops, he honed his skills with prominent photographer Per Volquartz. Les taught art in high schools for 35 years, developing successful photography programs and receiving recognition for his exemplary teaching. Now retired, he dedicates himself fully to analog black and white photography, employing traditional silver gelatin printing techniques. Les's intuitive approach to capturing light and shadow, akin to a painter's sensibilities, invites viewers to bring their own interpretations to his captivating work.

William North

β€œThings Not Seen”

Dempsey Family Gallery

Left: β€œHoly Name Cathedral, Chicago”
Right: β€œSt. Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney”

Opening Reception: Aug 9th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: Aug 9th-Sept 8th

Anke Richert Korioth

β€œIn the Echo of my Life”

Kane County Magazine Gallery

Pictured: β€œIn the Echo of my Life” by Anke Richert Korioth

Opening Reception: July 12th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: July 12th - Aug 4th

Didier Nolet

β€œSearching for Light”

Dempsey Family Gallery

Pictured: Didier Nolet with β€œUnder Wave”, Oil on canvas, 48”x66”

Opening Reception: July 12th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: July 12th - Aug 4th

Beth Shadur

β€œSelections From the National Park Project”

Dempsey Family Gallery and Kane County Magazine Gallery

Top: β€œTravertine”
Middle: β€œMeander”
Bottom Right: β€œA Different World”

Opening Reception: June 14th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: June 14th - July 7th

β€œMy work is intended to celebrate the pristine spaces found in the National Parks of the United States, created in order to inspire stewardship of our land and climate. The works address current and historic challenges the parks face in terms of industry, climate and environmental change, growing tourism and other human impact on surrounding communities. Any such look at the National Park system must acknowledge the problematic taking of lands from Native peoples, and the destruction of Native culture that ensued. I have attempted in these works to pay homage to those original inhabitants by including images of Native people, artifacts, and their original use of the land; I consciously do so to honor the values shared by Native populations of living integrally with the land. As Americans, we have much to learn from their view of these lands as sacred.”

Joel Sheesley

β€œReal Places”

Dempsey Family Gallery

β€œAugust Evening, Jon Duerr F.P.,”

Opening Reception: June 14th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: June 14th - July 7th

β€œReal Places” celebrates the resilience and beauty of northeastern Illinois landscapes. Paintings developed en plein air, and in the studio, confirm sympathy between the land and the hand of the artist.  Much of this work was developed in collaborative relationships with conservation and preservation agencies.  The dedicated hope of these groups is part of the work’s story.”

Jeanine Hill-Soldner

"Portraits and Memories: Legacies of Service”

Dempsey Family and Kane County Magazine Galleries

Opening Reception: May 10th, 6-9pm
Artist’s Talk: June 8th, 1pm
Exhibition runs: May 10th-June 8th

Javier Chavira

β€œNatura Naturans”

Dempsey Family Gallery

abstract depiction of a garden in red and blue tones

Opening Reception: April 12th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: April 12th-May 5th

Pictured: β€œEl Jardin”

Richard DeVeau

β€œJust Meshing Around”

Dempsey Family Gallery

Left: β€œHouse Moths #21”, mixed media on wood
Right: β€œNorth Ave House Moths #3", acrylic on canvas

Opening Reception: April 12th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: April 12th-May 5th

Joseph Milosevich

"On The Edge" - Collected Object Assemblages

Kane County Magazine Gallery

Left: β€œFiesta/Siesta”
Top right: β€œEarth Imperilled”
Bottom right: β€œFirst Day”

Opening Reception: April 12th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: April 12th-May 5th

Jaime & Michael Foster

β€œFragile Tension”

Dempsey Family Gallery

Opening Reception: March 8th, 6-9pm
Artist Mix & Mingle: April 6th 1-4pm
Exhibition runs: March 8th-April 6th

Barry Messer


Kane County Magazine Gallery

Opening Reception: March 8th, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs: March 8th-April 7th

Eric Rippert, Joseph Mayernik, Randal Stringer

February 9th - March 3rd

Opening Reception Friday, February 9th 6PM-9PM

Water Street Studios Artist Collective

January 12th - February 4th 2024

Resident Artists and Instructors Group Show

Nov 15th 2023- January 7th 2024

Opening Reception Friday, Dec 8th 6PM-9PM

Winterfest Art Market 2023

Nov 10th 6-9pm

Nov 11th 10am-5pm

Nov 12th 10am-2pm

  • Artist Vendors

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Cash Bar

    Kane County Magazine Gallery

  • No Place Like Home

    Community Gallery, second floor

    Each artist was provided a wooden house shadow box and the prompt β€œno place like home” and told to run with it. Stop by to see 50+ community members creations.

October 13th - Nov 5th 2023

Opening Reception Friday, October 13th 6PM-9PM

  • John Stanicek

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Michael Glascott

    Kane County Magazine Gallery

  • Life Drawing Group Show

    Upstairs Gallery

14th Anniversary Members Show

September 8th - October 8th 2023

Opening Reception Friday September 6PM-9PM

August 11th - September 3rd 2023

Opening Reception Friday August 11th 6PM-9PM

  • Tom Van Eynde

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Perry Slade

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Fred Holland

    Kane County Magazine Gallery

  • Collage Sisthars

    Upstairs Gallery

Missed the August 2023 Opening?

We had a great time! Take a look.

July 14th - August 6th 2023

Water Street Studios Artist Collective Show

Opening Reception Friday July 14th 6PM-9PM

  • Les Allen

    Les Allen is a highly accomplished black and white fine art photographer with a deep passion for his craft. He received his BFA in Painting and Drawing as well as his MFA in Photography and Filmmaking from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Les was inspired by a groundbreaking exhibition of 20th-century photography at the Art Institute of Chicago, which ignited his love for the medium. Through self-teaching and attending various workshops, he honed his skills with prominent photographer Per Volquartz. Les taught art in high schools for 35 years, developing successful photography programs and receiving recognition for his exemplary teaching. Now retired, he dedicates himself fully to analog black and white photography, employing traditional silver gelatin printing techniques. Les's intuitive approach to capturing light and shadow, akin to a painter's sensibilities, invites viewers to bring their own interpretations to his captivating work.

  • Al DaValle

    This body of work explores the synergies between forms found in nature and the human form.

  • Richard DeVeau

  • Deborah Di Vita Glascott

  • Maureen Gasek

  • Jeanine Hill-Soldner

  • David Hauptschein

  • Christopher Hodge

  • Anke Korioth

  • Perry Slade

    This piece is from a short series of Spring flower photographs. I see the image as realistic and abstract at the same time while presenting in black and white to lean toward the abstract.

  • Colin Sherrell

  • Steve Sherrell

  • Dave Sobotka

  • Michele Thrane

  • Rosalie Vass

    Did you ever travel to a place that just felt "right"? You felt more at home there than the place

    you called home at the moment.It is your City of Dreams. I created mine right here.

  • Carol Weber

  • David Wensel

  • Angela Wilson

June 9th - July 9th 2023

Opening Reception Friday June 9th 6PM-9PM

  • Jeff Stevenson

    Dempsey Family Gallery

    β€œManhood: hard to earn, easy to lose” is an exhibition that explores cultural constructs around the ideas of being a man, masculinity, and either earning or losing manhood. By using found selfies from social media and dating sites as source material, Stevenson paints traditional oil portraits of men and combines them with other objects and images, presenting an opportunity to consider why we assign masculine and feminine traits to objects, and the limitations on our whole human experience by these societal demands and rules. In our current moment of gender awakening, these artworks provide a conversational jumping off point.

  • Grief by Greta Bell

    Greta Bell

    Kane County Magazine Gallery

    Visit Greta’s website here

  • Cindy Fonseca

    Upstairs Gallery

    My name is Cindy Fonseca, and I create oil and acrylic paintings that are inspired by my life experiences and the emotions they evoke. My art is not just about the final product, but the process itself, which involves intricate layers of intentional colors and composition that symbolize the complexity of my inner world. Each piece holds a deeper meaning beyond what is visible on the surface. Through my work, I aim to help others connect with their own emotions and learn more about themselves and the world around them. With over 13 years of experience, I continuously discover new insights about myself and my art.

May 12th - June 4th 2023

Opening Reception Friday May 12th 6PM-9PM

  • Tim Lowly

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Guy Whitney

    Kane County Magazine Gallery

  • Tanya Lunina

    Upstairs Gallery

April 14th - May 7th 2023

Robert Kameczura’s Circle of Friends

  • Robert Kameczura

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Nelson Armour

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Anne Farly Gaines

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Fletcher Hayes

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Jeanine Hill-Soldner

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Kim Laurel

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Diane Levesque

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Didier Nolet

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Mary Porterfield

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Kathy Weaver

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Marzena Ziejka

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Jill Zylke

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Alan Johnson

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • James Mesple

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • BettyAnn Mocek

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Sally Sherrell

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Maureen Warren

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Lisa Zane

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Gary Ricke

    Upstairs Gallery

March 10th - April 8th 2023


  • David Hauptschein

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Colin Sherrell

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • Extraterrestrial Orbit

    Steve Sherrell

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • 𝑨𝑰

    All the images in the exhibit were conceived by means of Artificial Intelligence or AI.

February 13th - March 4th 2023

  • π™–π™§π™©π™žπ™©π™ͺπ™™π™š Mary N. Carnahan

    Mixed Media Artist

  • π™–π™§π™©π™žπ™©π™ͺπ™™π™š Barbara Eberhard

    Visual Artist

  • π™–π™§π™©π™žπ™©π™ͺπ™™π™š Mary T. Ehrler

    Visual Artist/Painter

  • π™–π™§π™©π™žπ™©π™ͺπ™™π™š Joe Hadamik

    Ceramic Artist

  • π™–π™§π™©π™žπ™©π™ͺπ™™π™š Robert Ryan

    Painter and Muralist

  • π™–π™§π™©π™žπ™©π™ͺπ™™π™š Michael Veltman



A ceramist, a visual artist, a photographer, a mixed media artist, a muralist and a painter all walk into a bar. The bartender says, β€˜What’ll you have?’ Each of them has a different drink order and they all have a different perspective.

Together they form a beautifully cohesive group whose art compliments and enriches each other. Their work unifies to form a dramatic, illuminating and evocative show. A collection of six artists representing varying perspectives, a range of mediums and techniques and a wealth of experience.

Among them, the group has a dozen professional degrees and over 200 years of combined experience as professional artists. That is artitude.

January 13th-February 5th 2023

  • π‘©π’π’•π’‚π’π’Šπ’„π’‚ π‘°π’Žπ’‚π’ˆπ’Šπ’π’‚π’“π’Šπ’‚ by Jan Brandt

    Dempsey Family Gallery

  • 𝑭𝑳𝑢𝑾𝑬𝑹 𝑩𝑢𝑴𝑩 by Jim Neeley

    Kane County Magazine Gallery

  • π‘·π’†π’“π’†π’π’π’Šπ’‚π’ π‘Άπ’‘π’•π’Šπ’Žπ’Šπ’”π’Ž by David Dow

    Kane County Magazine Gallery

  • π‘³π’‚π’šπ’†π’“π’” by Krystal Kay Lyon

    Upstairs Gallery

  • π‘³π’‚π’šπ’†π’“π’” by Kelly Hieronymus

    Upstairs Gallery